The gas flow crusher is used for the gravel processing advantage of phosphorus slag, easy to get

  According to the physical properties of the battery powder, the physical properties of the negative electrode material, using different devices to perform pulverization grading to achieve the optimum output ratio. According to the large number of successful cases of many companies and battery powders, I use our battery powder special mechanical ultrafine pulverizer - graded impact grinding (effectively reducing the use of production equipment) to achieve the effect of pulverization; for lithium batteries, The nickel-hydrogen battery specific material can be pulverized by fluidized bed. High purity requirements, anti-oxidation can be used with inert gas protection pulverization charters, isolated oxygen sealing production.

  Phosphorne residue has a wide range of applications as a solid waste in the field of building materials. The existing research data shows that the necessary conditions for the active blending of cement concrete are at least 400 m2 / kg or more, and the higher the use effect, the better the fineness. However, the traditional ball mill is difficult to prepare phosphorus residue into ultrafine powder. Under the high-speed airflow, the material is hit by the impact between the particles, the impact shear effect of the gas stream and the impact of the material and other components, and shear the material.

  The ultrafine powder is prepared by using the airflow pulverizer. It has the following characteristics: low energy consumption, large feed particle size, and the finished particle size distribution is very concentrated, and the pulverized particle size is wide, and the wear is extremely small. Especially suitable for ultrafine pulverization of high hardness and high purity materials, no chemical properties of materials, non-polluting products and environments. After experiment, the processing of drops with airflow milling can easily obtain 5-10 micron ultrafine powder, which greatly improves the use of raw materials.Airflow pulverizer is one of the main equipment of Shandong Erbai, the integrity and high-precision classifier established, and the stable flow field can strictly limit the production of large particles, and the production is excellent particle size distribution and high narrowness. The particle size range; at the same time, the material can be dispersed and discharged to the material, and the shape of a very good spherical particle can be obtained, and the diameter of the diameter has a plastic function.

  ALPA adheres to the concept of "fulfilling social responsibility, excellent corporate citizen", and a 1,000 yuan public welfare fund will be donated for each sale of a special person to rescue children and difficult workers in the mountainous poverty. Alpa adheres to this commitment from beginning to end to actually act. The development of the company is inseparable from the strong support of the government and the people, and actively undertakes social welfare responsibility is an important responsibility of enterprises.It is an important manifestation of enterprises to return to society and returning customers for a long time.