Airflow pulverizer is a star product in the market, which can easily get 5

  Inert gas protective gas flow emergency stop. The equipment emergency shutdown trigger switch is connected to the oxygen content tester, and the oxygen content concentration monitors by the oxygen content tester has not reached the preset value in a predetermined time, triggered emergency shutdown, the equipment stopped, the introduction of the wind, the grading machine Delayed, the nitrogen supplement system continues to work until the manual shutdown.

  After the domestic industry is striped by thickness, many powder industries have become more and more intense for ultra-fine powder equipment. At present, both investment or enterprises are self-utilized, the gas flow crusher is currently in the market. Star products, it can easily produce 1000 or even 1500 mesh, 2000 mesh, 5000 destination ultrafine powder, which greatly enhances the added value of raw materials. In addition to fineness advantages, the airflow pulverizer also has a highlighted feature of traditional crushing equipment, making it more loved by users. Let's take a look at the famous features of the air current crusher.

  Airflow pulverizer and cyclone separator, dust collector and induced airflow fan form a complete pulverization system. The airflow pulverizer has a wide range of applications and fine finished features such as diamonds, ceramic pigments, medicine, and more. Applied in chemical, minerals, metallurgy, abrasives, ceramics, refractory materials, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, food, health products, new materials and other industries.

  1, no heating, especially for ultrafine polishing thermal materials.

  The kinetic energy source of material particles in the airflow pulverizer is a compressed gas, and when the high pressure gas is accelerated in the sloring pipe, the pressure is converted to the kinetic energy of the material particles. The high-speed airflow expansion and cooling, even if the friction produces a certain amount of heat, it will also be taken away, so that the temperature in the flow field is low, which makes the airflow comminution particularly suitable for processing thermal materials.

  2, the pollution is small, because the principle of pulverization is the material itself collision and pulverization, compared to the other form of crushing, it will be brought into other grinding media compared to the blade or ball mill, it is the least pollution process, so it It is especially suitable for pharmaceutical and food industry.

  3, easy to clean, the mill is relatively small, especially the spiral gas flow pulverizer, simple structure, easy to clean, no dead angle, can be used as a sterile drug.

  The advantages of the airflow pulverizer are still very much, it is relying on the gas flow to the material itself collide with the This ensures the purity of the material. The better the brittle, the finer the fineness of the pulverized during the pulverization process, the greater the output. Consult Shandong Erp, more knowledge of the gas flow shredder 13061397961. ALPA powder technology has been born in 20 years, has been adhering to the scientific management model of modern enterprises, insisting on "devout, fine, strict , Harmonious "is the spiritual concept, while" pursuing excellence, casting dawn brand, revitalizing national industries "as a strong development tenet.