Airflow pulverizer utilizes high-speed airflow to achieve dry material super fine mill

  Rare earth polishing powder special airflow mill, full-negative pressure during processing, no dust pollution on site, guarantee the clean and dryness of the environment. Graphite pulverization is highly high, large production! Can choose special equipment according to different raw materials, fully automated control, low energy consumption. Rare earth polishing powder special airflow classifier, pulverized grading accuracy is arbitrarily adjustable between D97 = 3-74 microns. Granular appearance plastic function, spherical graphite "potato shape". Bag dust removal, appendedly anti-blow, offline cleaning, 75% collection rate, effectively reduce the loss of raw materials.

  The airflow pulverizer has a wide range of applications, high finished product, typical materials include super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, and the like. Due to the change in inert gas such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide gas, the machine can be made of inertial gas protection, suitable for material crushing of flammable and explosive, easy oxidation.

  Excessive lubricating oil in the airflow mill bearings, too little or aging is the main reason for bearing overheating and damage. Therefore, according to the quantitative use of the lubricant, the general lubricating oil uses a space of 70%, excessive or too little is not conducive to the lubrication and heat transfer of the bearing, and extend the life of the bearing. The fitting bearing cover is tightly in the shaft, and the bearing and the shaft are too tight or too loose can result in an overheating of the bearing. However, when the crusher device operates in this manner, the friction and motion becomes more pronounced, so the bearing should be removed, and the friction member should be removed, and then reassemble it as needed.

  Jet and cyclone separators, dust collectors and air blowers form a complete set of crushing systems. Dry compressed air is sprayed into the crushing chamber through a high-speed Laval nozzle, and the high pressure air exceeds the material, friction, shear, and pulverized cross collision. After crushing, the material is in the upper gas stream, and the exhaust fan is rotated at high speed. By grading into the cyclone separator and the dust collector, the particle size that meets the required requirements is collected, and continuous debris in the crude debris is collected.

  Airflow pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine powder milling using high-speed airflow. It consists of a broken nozzle, a hierarchy and other components, and the material enters the crushing chamber through the screw feeder. The special structure of the tube enters the crushing chamber, the material supersonic nozzle is jet speed, the nozzle repeated impact, collision and crushing equipment.

  In the context of the era of economic globalization, more and more foreign exchanges have becomeAn inevitable trend in all walks of life, for AlPa powder, not only promotes the exchange of information, but also accelerates the pace of ALPA powder into internationalization.