Why is the price of pebble sand machines will have such a big difference

  There are a lot of sand making machine manufacturers in the goose and sanding machine, and the quotation is also relatively large. Due to different types, under different configurations, the equipment is tens of thousands of things are normal, from thousands to thousands Yuan, go to ten thousand, hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of things, you can click on the online free consultation, here there are professional technicians to recommend and accurately quote for your proper equipment. So why do you have such a big difference in the price of pebble sand machine? The price of pebble sand machine is not equal because:

  1, the production process is different

  The manufacturers of pebble sanders are different, and the production process of equipment is different. The pebble sand machine is sold from design, processing, to finished products, and different manufacturers have a very big difference. The pebble sand machine processing process level determines the style, appearance, specifications, configuration, performance, etc., therefore the price is high and low

  2, the raw materials are different

  The price fluctuations of the raw material market price of the pebble sand machine will also affect the sale price of the finished equipment. The raw materials of the pebble sand machine are also high, medium, low, etc. The production cost of the sand making machine is high, the quality of the equipment is also more secure, the price is expensive; contrary, the price is low, the same equipment quality is slightly.

  3, the sales method is different

  Since the pebble sand machine is compared in the market Best-selling, so there are many agents, dealers, etc. in addition to the direct seller of pebble sand making machines. Only direct sales type goose rubber sand machine supplier can quote the factory price, save a lot of intermediate circulation links, saving customers' investment costs

  When purchasing goose pebble sand machine, it is necessary to watch the price, but also to see the manufacturer, because some small manufacturers produced are cheap but quality is not guaranteed, and the large-scale manufacturers will not have product quality. Proud; if you don't know what to chooseWhich manufacturer, then come to Alpa Heavy Industry, AlPA is working for a large-scale mine equipment manufacturer in the market, producing more than 160 countries in the production of equipment, there are production lines in the country, quality is guaranteed, free shipping free Technical consultation, free design production line, delivery, all-year-sale and other services.