Characteristics of special airflow pulverizing machine for rare earth polishing powder

  Inert gas protection airflow pulverization classifier (nitrogen protection powder equipment), a special pulverization classification apparatus for manufacturing production is customized for various material requirements. Inert gas protection special airflow pulverization grading machine has: full closed circuit design, nitrogen protection isolate oxygen, high pulverized grading precision, uniform particle size distribution, and high yield.

  El Pai Company JZ series rare earth pulverizer polishing powder special equipment is a special crushing equipment for the physical and chemical indicators of rare earth raw materials, targeted development and development.

  Characteristics of the special airflow mill of rare earth polishing powder:1, rare earth polishing powder special airflow pulverizer, During the machining process, the full-negative pressure operation, no dust pollution on the site, ensuring the clean and dryness of the environment.

  2, graphite pulverization grading is accurate and high yield! Can choose special equipment according to different raw materials, fully automated control, low energy consumption.

  3, rare earth polishing powder special airflow classifier, pulverized grading accuracy is arbitrarily adjustable between D97 = 3-74 microns.

  4, granular appearance plastic function, spherical graphite "potato shape".

  5, using bag dust removal, appendedly anti-blow, offline cleaning, 75% collection rate, effectively reducing the loss of raw materials.

  The new era creates new demand. As economic growth is gradually changed from the intensive environmental protection, each industry is facing unlimited opportunities and challenges. Among them, the ALPA powder technology, which is a typical representative of industrial powder equipment manufacturing enterprises, with the new era - environmentally friendly powder equipment, to promote transformation and upgrading of all walks of life, highlighting their own business while achieving green development of partners value.